

I've Been Very Lucky

I won a give away over at
The Shopping Sherpa!
A neat little laptop computer
which I painted and added a screen and keyboard.
Isn't it cute?
Thank you Anna Maria!

And also,
I love Tilda dolls,
specially the tiny ones for dollhouses.

Now the most beautiful Tilda lives with me!!

See her perched on top of the cupboard like a little fairy?
Isn't she gorgeous?

When I saw Amary's little Tilda in her pretty room 
I was besotted
so I asked Amary does she sell her creations.
She said she never had sold anything but she would
make me a Tilda for a gift!!!
I was over the moon :))
How lucky am I to have a Tilda made by Amary
 who is a talented and lovely person?
Thank you dear friend!

Imagine my surprise when I opened an exciting parcel
and discovered not only Tilda
but many more pretty treasures :)

Here they are all together on a garden seat borrowed for the occasion.
I couldn't bear to put all these treasures away
in scenes so Tilda and the pretties have stayed
on my work station where I can see them every time
I sit down

And here are some close up photos.

First of all Tilda sitting on my finger,
unbelievably tiny and perfect?!!
I love her demure little pose and her sweet dress
and shoes!

Some beautiful American roses which don't seem
to mind the climate Downunder :)  They haven't stopped
blooming and giving joy since they arrived.
Those petals are paper thin!

A basket of pretty ladies toiletries for Mothers Day!!
I feel very spoiled and very lucky!

And also a sweet shabby heart to hang on a door knob
and this lovely mat for the floor in front of the
kitchen sink.  I forgot to take a photo of the mat
in the kitchen :(

In this close up photo you can see the little laptop where someone
is checking their emails and enjoying a cup of tea
and a sticky sweet pastry.

Thank you to two special ladies who have given more than
gifts, they've given friendship as well.


  1. Que regalos tan bonitos!!! Y que bien han quedado colocados en la escena,la tilda es adorable!!!!!

  2. una preciosidad de minis , la verdad es que Amary es una gran artista y muy generosa , disfrutalo



    1. Hi Mari! Yes, Amary is very talented, I love everything!

  3. Oh, how sweet of these friends for sending you these gorgeous gifts, Susan, enjoy it ;)!
    I especially love the beautiful detailed Tilda doll, she is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing the pictures with these beatiful miniature treasures from friends :D!
    Hugs, ilona

    1. Hi Ilona, Tilda makes me smile, she's so cute I wanted to show her to everyone!

  4. Hi Susan! I have to say that these are All So Pretty!!! You lucky girl. The computer is so cute and the bath basket is pure luxury. You tiny Tilda is Adorable and no wonder you want to have her place where you can see her. Such a marvelous collection of many mini things Susan. Enjoy them all! :))


    1. Hello Elizabeth! Thanks for dropping in to meet Tilda and see my treasures :) I love all things Miniature and feel so lucky!

  5. Oh Susan I love everything you've received but Tilda is simply stunning. I bet you're beaming. Hope you're okay?

  6. Hi Laura, you got it, Tilda makes me smile every time I see her! I've been very spoiled :)

  7. Congrats Susan! everything is so cute I don't know what to look at first :)


    1. Hi Marisa, thanks for looking at my treasures :)

  8. Wow lucky you the laptop is fantastic. I love your Tilda she is gorgeous. All your gifts are wonderful. Enjoy all your beautiful new treasures.
    Hugs Maria

    1. Hi Maria, these miniature treats are so special I had to share them. Glad you enjoyed looking!

  9. Congratulations for your win and for Amary's beautiful gifts, especially the adorable Tilda.
    Hugs, Drora

    1. Hi Drora, thanks for stopping by to comment, it's fun to share my joy!

  10. What a lovely kitchen scene, especially with the laptop as would be seen in many 1:1 kitchens. Amary's Tildas really are exquisite and you are lucky to have one along with the other beautiful gifts she sent. I love her sweet little dress and cross-over shoes.

    1. Hi Sharee, I fee like a child with new toys at Christmas.

  11. Everything is nice, but I love little Tilda!

    1. Hi Grandmommy, yes, isn't Tilda exquisite? Amary is very artistic!

  12. thats so cute!
    I adore Tilda! shes perfect!
    How wonderful is that! What a beautiful gift!!!
    the roses are really sweet, you have some really lovely things there Susan!!!

  13. Yes Deni, I'm lucky! I love all the Tilda's but I'm hopeless with clay, no chance of making one myself, so I'm over the moon to have one of Amary's creations, not to mention all the rest of the gifts!!

    1. Im a bit lost making those as well! just need a great teacher I think maybe we could manage it all then

    2. A good teacher would despair over me and poly clay Deni, it turns to mush and sticks to me like glue! I'll have to let the artists do their magic and just enjoy :)

  14. Its all so lovely! The bath set is just perfect and Tilda is a gorgeous gal!

    1. Yes Jane, I do a little happy dance every time I see these lovely gifts.

  15. What wonderful prizes and gifts, Susan! I love your tiny laptop! I think Flossy, Sophie, and Bluebelle will be fighting over the one I find! ;-) The Tilda is perfection, and the other gifts from Amary are icing on the cake! Congratulations--you've been VERY lucky! Enjoy all! xo Jennifer

  16. Hi Jennifer! Heheh, who needs cake when miniature treasures give such joy? Love to Sofie, Flossie and Bluebelle, and you too of course :)

  17. I'm a bit late coming by to see your fabulous new additions. The computer is just great, and how gorgeous the little Tilda is, as charming as can be. How lucky you are to have the other beautiful little accessories as well.

    1. Lucky and joyful Norma! Miniature gifts are so precious!! Hope it's Tuesday at your house today ;)

  18. Congratulations on your lovely gifts! Everything looks great.
    The little Tilda is very charming

  19. Hi Hannah! I love the Tilda dolls and I'm so happy to have my own tiny Tilda!! Little treasures bring big smiles and internet friends warm my heart. Thank you for being one of my friends :)

  20. Thank You for visiting my blog. So nice gifts you have, especially Tilda is sooo lovely

  21. Thank you for visiting Anita. I'm glad you enjoyed meeting Tilda Rose :)

  22. Bellissimi regali, il tavolo รจ straordinario, la piccola Tilda un vero amore!!

  23. What a beautiful blog you have here and what beautiful treasures you won! That tiny tilda is just too sweet, so incredibly small! Look forward to follow, your blog is full of the loveliest things :). Pam x

    1. Hi Pam! Welcome!! It's a pleasure to meet you, I feel I know you from reading your blog. Thanks for your sweet comment :)

  24. Gorgeous and cute miniatures and the scene is incredibly nice, too. Now I want to be able to shrink myself to sit at your little table. :)

  25. Hi Maren! Thanks for visiting :) please do sit down and have a cup of tea and something to eat, you are very welcome!

  26. Lovely, sweet gifts for a lovely person Susan. Hugs Sandie

  27. Glad you enjoyed seeing these little treasures Sandy! Every time I visit this room I fall in love with them all over again :)

  28. Hi Susan! Wow, Long time! I am very happy to see Tilda in your home. I'm so glad you liked everything. Thank you very much for your friendship and wonderful gifts! You are a lovely person!!!
    I would like to communicate with you, please write to the contact form on my blog. So the message came directly to my new email.
    A big,big hug!

  29. Hi Amary! Tilda is so special! Every time I visit my miniatures and see Tilda she reminds me of friendship :) you are a very talented miniature artist and I feel blessed to have your beautiful gifts!
